Whew, glad to put the last six months of 2023 behind and to be moving into a very early and warm 2024 spring. The end of the year was an incredibly sad blur including the unexcpected death of a dear friend, a second of 2 surgeries in 9 months for my spouse, and the return a health condition, in check for 10 years, which prevented me from painting from September until December. My spouse and I are healed, thankfully, but losing my friend so suddenly, such a bright and special soul, has been a deep wound and I will have a lasting scar. There are just those people in one's life.
Now, the days are finally longer, the ground is warming up, the backyard blue birds appear when I whistle. There are glimmers of green everywhere, and bright days. I've spent the last two painting dandelions, bunches and bunches of these little bursts of sunlight. They'll grow anywhere, but they thrive best in the most imperfect spaces, in untended yards, in between cracks of concrete, along sidewalks, and in the very worst soil. I've read they are symbols of strength in adversity, and resilience. I'm going to keep painting dandelions.